Private Well Water Testing
Unlike public water systems that have rigorous monitoring and testing regulations, private wells do not. This poses a significant problem as well water can contain a variety of harmful contaminants including microorganisms, nitrites, nitrates, heavy metals, organic chemicals, and radionuclides.
Municipal Water Testing
Consider for a moment a few elements that might influence your water quality: water source, municipal treatment methods, water main travel/pipe distance, water main and service line materials, age of infrastructure, etc. That only covers the domain of getting water from the supply source to your home or commercial property.
Standard Profile
Consider for a moment a few elements that might influence your water quality: water source, municipal treatment methods, water main travel/pipe distance, water main and service line materials, age of infrastructure, etc. That only covers the domain of getting water from the supply source to your home or commercial property.
Heavy Metals, Pesticides, and VOCs
If your Standard Profile test shows high amounts of nitrites or nitrates in your water sample, this could indicate the presence of fertilizers. Or if there are sudden changes in your water’s color, taste, or smell you might want to investigate further.
Other reasons to consider testing might be your proximity to locations such as industrial zones, waste disposal or town disposal areas, golf courses, etc.