Water pH Balance and Acid Neutralization
What is pH and why does it matter with respect to water quality? pH stands for potential hydrogen and is a measure of hydrogen ion activity in a given solution. You may have heard of the pH scale, which ranges from 0 – 14, with 7 in the middle considered neutral. A pH of less than 7 indicates acidity and a pH greater than 7 is indicative of alkalinity (basic). The scale is in logarithmic units. Therefore, a pH of 6 compared to a pH of 7 would be considered 10 times more acidic than a pH of 7. As a point of reference, groundwater in the Northeast tends to more acidic than other areas of the country.
So why does pH matter and how can it affect water quality? pH can have an important impact on the quality and chemistry of your water. For example, acidic water can cause harm to your plumbing and other water related systems. Acidic water is known to leach copper and lead from plumbing resulting in unwanted leaks and contaminants in your water. A tell-tale sign of copper leach is in the form of green staining found around drains and in toilets.
Dependent on your pH level, water hardness, and other factors, there are different methods available to neutralize your water. For example, if your water is acidic and the pH is around 6.5, calcium carbonate may be used to correct your pH. Or if we are treating hard water with a pH of less than 6, we may opt for a chemical injection system. It really all depends on the parameters of your water. That is why it is important to have a clear picture of your water chemistry and why we recommend water testing by a state certified lab.
Contact Duncan Water Systems to learn about pH adjustment and acid neutralization options for your home or commercial property.